The Illinois Consumer Electronics Recycling Act (CERA) took effect in 2019 and allows for counties and municipal joint action agencies to annually file notice to participate in an e-waste recycling program (see Section 1-10 (b) and (c) of CERA. This site provides information for instructions for designated county recycling coordinators and municipal joint action agencies to annually file notice to participate in the program. As specified in the law, “manufacturer clearinghouse" means a group of 2 or more manufacturers, representing at least 50% of the manufacturers' total obligations under this Act for a program year, that are cooperating with one another to collectively establish and operate an e-waste program for the purpose of complying with CERA.
The Electronics Recycling Representative Organization (ERRO) has operated a manufacturer clearinghouse since the first year of CERA implementation in 2019. The National Center for Electronics Recycling (NCER) administers the Clearinghouse on behalf of ERRO. For more information on the Clearinghouse Program, see our recent presentation here. For more information on IL EPA’s implementation of CERA and other requirements, please see their website.
The ERRO Clearinghouse and IL EPA post an annual opt-in form for counties and municipal joint action agencies to file in January, as well as provide information at conferences and webinars. Opt-in Forms must be submitted by the March 1st , after which they are used by the Clearinghouse to determine the next year’s Program Plan.
2026 Opt-In Form (due by March 1st, 2025)